Nut Allergy Information/Información acerca de alérgenos

Nut Allergy Information/Información acerca de alérgenos

Nut Allergy Information/Información acerca de alérgenos

Our cakes may contain milk, wheat, nuts, soy and other allergens. You agree to notify your guests and hold Momisima's Creations, LLC harmless for all allergic reactions. If client requests nut free products, we can do as much as possible to fulfill their request, but we cannot guarantee some of our utensils may be in contact with these allergens.

Nuestros bizcochos pueden contener leche, trigo, frutos secos, soja y otros alérgenos. Usted acepta notificar a sus invitados y eximir de responsabilidad a Momisima's Creations, LLC por todas las reacciones alérgicas. Si el cliente solicita productos sin nueces, podemos hacer todo lo posible para cumplir con su pedido, pero no podemos garantizar que algunos de nuestros utensilios hayan estado en contacto con estos alérgenos.

Contact Form

Complete the form to connect with us. We are ready to answer any questions about our treats. Please allow 24-48 hours to respond to your inquiry.

Please include the following information for a faster service or estimate:

1. Be specific on what you are looking for

2. Date and time of your activity

3. For how many people you need the cake to serve

4. How many treats do you need

5. Have an inspiration picture of the design you are looking for ready to be sent when requested.

Thank you!

Please include all the information requested before sending a request. 

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(215) 330-2253

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[email protected]
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